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10 Reasons Why You Must Pray in Tongues

Praying in the Spirit means to speak in tongues. Tongues speaking is the biblical proof that a believer has been baptized in the Holy Ghost. It also marks the commencement of the operation of the ministry of the Holy Spirit (Spirit upon) in the life of a believer. Tongues speaking is the language of the spirit: no human influence of any kind. However, it is a kingdom mystery available for all believers to engage for the purpose of effective praying and triumphant lifestyle.

Some of the Benefits of Speaking/Praying In Tongues:

  1. When we pray in tongues; we are edifying and building up ourselves spiritually. 1 Cor 14:4

  2. When we pray in tongues; it trains our spirits to discern spirit beings, particularly Holy Spirit

  3. When we pray in tongues, it relieves us the burden of searching for what to prayer, choice of words and prayer points. Rom 8:26

  4. When we pray in tongues, it aborts the possibility of praying selfish prayers or praying outside the will of God - Rom 8:27.

  5. When we pray in tongues, it synchronizes our minds with the mind of God – Rom. 8:27.

  6. When we pray in the Holy Ghost, it has a way of establishing our faith – Jude 20.

  7. When we pray in tongues, it secures the answers to our prayers from being hijacked or intercepted by evil elements. Speaking in tongue is a mysterious language that only God can understand. 1 Cor 14:2. cf Dan 10:12-13.

  8. Praying in tongues teaches us to yield to the Holy Spirit. It takes yielding your tongue to the Holy Spirit before you can speak in tongues

  9. When we pray in tongues, Holy Spirit drops in our hearts, the sensation of fulfillment that a burden has been discharged.

  10. Praying in tongues trains us to be patient in the place of prayer so as to hear from God. 1 Cor. 14:21

  • Singing in the Holy Ghost is one of the attributes of joy that Holy Ghost produces in us. Rom 15:13

Believers that do not pray in tongues are selling themselves short and consequently will be denied of many spiritual blessings and dividends that have been freely given to them by the virtue of redemption.

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