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The diction used in making this commentary is not an idealized-fantasy or school of thought; It upholds Scriptures that reveal God’s awesome personality, unparalleled wisdom, unfathomable depth of knowledge, an immeasurable volume of understanding and unquantifiable dynamic capacity in producing results.

While I was meditating on the person of God; by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I stumbled upon this revelation that God is “THE GREATEST ENCYCLOPEDIA OF KNOWLEDGE” because of the fact that He bagged professorship in all disciplines with verifiable proofs form the Scriptures.

THE GREATEST MATHEMATICIAN: He calculated all the dust on the face of the earth and the weight of hills and mountains without error or approximation. (Isaiah 40:12) He counted the billions of stars in each galaxy and the uncountable galaxies in the space without iteration or any mathematical based computer programming language. (Isaiah 40:26)

THE GREATEST PHYSICIST: He dwells in the mist of light no man can approach. (Psalms 104:2) If God closes his eyes, darkness will cover the face of the earth. No wonder He never sleeps nor slumbers. If God moves where He dwells, creation will melt. God is the real energy behind optics. [if !supportLineBreakNewLine] [endif]

THE GREATEST NUCLEAR PHYSICIST: He sent His angels to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah with nuclear fireballs (Gen 19:24-25)

THE GREATEST OCEANOGRAPHER: He measured the depth of the oceans of the earth: India, Pacific, Atlantic and the rest of them in the hollow of His palm. (Isaiah 40:12) He also apportioned the water bodies by measures. (Job 28:25)

THE GREATEST INDUSTRIAL CHEMIST: He supplies His angels gas for flight and flaming fire for warfare. (Psalms 104:4) He is the consuming fire. (Hebrew 12:29) He turned the hot gas in the fiery furnace into a coolant to save the lives of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. (Dan 3:22-26)

THE GREATEST GEOLOGIST/GEOPHYSICIST: He decorated Lucifer − the fallen arch-angel with all manners of precious stones like sardius, topaz, diamond onyx, jasper, sapphires, emerald, carbuncle, and gold. (Ezekiel 28:13-14) He summoned the fresh water that gushed out of the rock in a desert. He also created the delta in Eden that formed four tributaries, particularly Pishon that flowed into Havilah with a large alluvial deposit of gold, bdellium and onyx stone (Gen 2:10-14)

THE GREATEST PHILOSOPHER: He said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly, I knew thee, before you came out of your mother’s womb, I sanctified you and ordained you a prophet….” (Jer. 1:5) His depth of understanding cannot be measured (Isa 40:28)

THE GREATEST PSYCHOLOGIST: He knows the intent of the heart: “Before you speak I hear...” (Isa. 65:24) He is the discerner of thought (Heb. 4:12) He searches and reveals secrets by His detective Spirit (2 Cor. 2:10-12). Everything in heaven and on earth is under the radar of His omniscience. Who can physiologically evaluate us better than Him who tattooed all our names in His palm? (Isa 49:16)

THE GREATEST AGRONOMIST/ZOOLOGIST/ENVIRONMENTALIST: All the trees, animals and others resources in the forest of Lebanon are not enough to make burnt offering sacrifice unto Him. (Isa 40:16). He revealed just a fragment of His omnipresence to Moses in a bush burning. Mysteriously, the fire was burning but the bush was not consumed. Consequently, there was no air pollution, and all the resources in the forest were preserved and conserved (Ex 3:2)

THE GREATEST GEOGRAPHER: All of the nations of the earth are noting before Him, less than zero in His map. (Isa 40:17)

THE GREATEST METEOROLOGIST: He appointed the moon to mark the season, the rising and the setting of the sun to mark day and night. (Psalms 104:19) He forecast and summoned the acid rain that swept the land of Egypt. Miraculously, Goshen, His people’s residence was exempted from the rain. (Ex. 19:18-26) He establishes the rules guiding rain and lightning. (Job 28:26) A day with Him is a thousand years, and a thousand years is like a day before Him. (2 Pet 3:8) He helped Joshua to defeat His enemies at the valley of Ajalon by commanding the sun to stand still and the moon to freeze. (Joshua 10:12) THE GREATEST COSMOLOGIST: He named all the billions of stars in each galaxy and the uncountable galaxies in the space and named them all, one after the other. (Isa. 40:26, Ps. 147:4) THE GREATEST FOOD SCIENTIST/QUANTITY CONTROL MANAGER: In the wilderness, He fed His people with first ever fast food known as Manna. He rained the Manna in a reasonable measure on daily basis without running out of supply for 40 years (Ex 16:15-35)

THE GREATEST STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: He suspended the earth in the space without a pillar, no support of any kind, and He sits upon the orbit (Isa. 40:22) He upholds everything by the power of His word. (Heb. 1:3)

THE GREATEST CIVIL ENGINEER: As a matter of emergency, He constructed a bridge in the belly of the red sea to rescue His people. In the interim, He erased the bridge to submerge Pharaoh and his host. (Ex. 14:16-28) He laid the foundation of the earth with wisdom and never to be removed (Psalms 104:5) THE GREATEST ARCHITECT: He instructed and engaged Noah in the building of first ever ship in the history of the world known as Noah’s Ark. He gave Noah the architectural design, blueprint, as well as the dimension and the specification of the ship. He also acted in the capacity of a Project Manager by supervising the project till completion (Gen 6:13-21)

THE GREATEST HORTICULTURALIST: He planted varieties of vegetables, trees, and flowers in the east of Eden (Gen 2:8)

THE GREATEST SCULPTOR: He carved man in his image and likeness (Gen. 1:28)

THE GREATEST ECONOMIST: Gold and silver belong to Him. (Hag. 2:8) He gave Joseph the economic brilliant ideal that saved Egypt from suffering the effect of the global economic meltdown at that time (Gen 41:33-41)

THE GREATEST HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGER: He employed Moses to mobilize more than 3 million Israelites from Egypt to the Promised Land. In the interim, He managed and preserved them in the wilderness for 40 years. (Hosea 12:13) Give Him your life to manage, He cannot mismanage it.

THE GREATEST BANKER: “Bring your tithe and offerings into the storehouse if I will not open the windows of heaven and pour your blessing…..” (Mal. 3:10) Bank and invest your substances with Him so that He can make you a shareholder of His kingdom riches

THE GREATEST FASHION DESIGNER/DECORATOR: He is clothed in honor and majesty. He puts on light as a garment and spreads the heavens like curtains (Psalm 104:1-2)

THE GREATEST POLITICIAN: Via unquestionable divine election, He preferred, elected and justified Jacob over Esau as the rightful candidate to become the “flag bearer’’ of Israel He promised Abraham (Rm 9:7-14)

THE GREATEST ARCHAEOLOGIST/PALEONTOLOGIST: He revealed to Ezekiel the dry bones that were millions of years old in a valley. Suddenly and mysteriously, the dry bones were covered with flesh by the instrumentality of the spoken word (Ezk. 37:1-10)

THE GREATEST GYNECOLOGIST: He conducted a gynecological test on Sarah and declared her medically fit to birth the promised child when she was almost doubled menopause age (Rm. 4:19, Gen 21:1-3). The Ancient Gynecologist that opened up the womb of Hannah and rejuvenated the womb of Sarah is still very much in practice and active, your case will not be impossible for Him.

THE GREATEST SURGEON: He provided a help-meet for Adam via a surgical operation. He dissected Adam and removed a rib from him. In the history of medicine, there is no such operation that is as outstanding as this. Adam came out of the surgery without a wound and scar. Adam recovered in a speed of light and no complication was recorded afterward.

THE GREATEST JUDGE: He will judge the whole world in righteousness. He also constituted a divine counsel, headed by The Senior Advocate, Jesus to plead our case before Him (1 Jn. 2:1)

How else can I describe this awesome God? He is the Emeritus Professor of all professors, Academician Extraordinaire, Scientist Phenomenon, Philanthropist with a difference, Professional par Excellence, Invisible Manufacturer, Incorrigible Judge, Perfect Artisan, Miracle Worker. Our God is indeed Encyclopedia of Knowledge, Epitome of wisdom and understanding. He is glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, terrible in battle, excellent in power, magnanimous in victory, liberal in mercy, sufficient in grace, patience in judgment and beautiful for all situations

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