Abarim – The Highland of Vision
Abarim is a Hebrew word that translates ‘a region beyond.’ It is a highland that houses a chain of mountains: Mt. Moab, Mt. Nebo, Mt. Pisgah and so on. Abarim is located in a desert region of Palestine – extensively covers the east of River Jordan and south east of Dead Sea. Figuratively, Abarim means a place that holds the picture of the Promised Land – the next level. On two occasions, God directed Moses to Abarim (Mt. Pisgah & Mt. Nebo) to get the glimpse of the Promised Land – the land of Canaan. (Deut. 3:27, 32:49)
Vision adds meaning, values, and fulfillment to living. A man without a vision is a nonentity. God is the author of good vision, but it takes a positive mind to see and understand what the Author of vision is saying. Vision is a product of mental picture, and it takes a positive mind to capture one. Have you ever been lost in the midst of your vision; as if all roads leading to the Promised Land are on lockdown that even the map in your hand cannot point any head way? Go back to Abarim – the place where God gave you the vision, and get clarity. May be it's high time you ask God to empower your mind to see. Abraham saw the vision of the Promised Land long enough before Moses was born because God empowered his mind to see the future. (Gen. 13:14-15) God cannot give you beyond what your mind can see, but He can empower your mind to capture it all. Abarim is a place to settle all issues surrounding your destiny with God. Moses had to return to Abarim (Mt. Nebo) to settle the issues surrounding his personal destination with God. (Deut. 32:49-52) The time to return to Abarim is now!
Abarim is a place of rest for God’s people. As you walk with God, there is a season of your life that you must absolutely enter into God’s rest. (Heb. 4:11) In Numbers 33, the Bible paints the picture of the over 400 years of a successive migration of the Israelites in the desert. Years after years, they drifted from place to place without specific directions until they entered into Abarim. At Abarim, they entered into God’s rest and He gave them the direction that led them to the land of Canaan – the Promised Land. Have you wandered away from your God given dream; completely lost? Go back to your Abarim; God is waiting for you there!